
event.locals - stores data available during the lifcycle of a request Web Dev


+layout.svelte - each page in the dir uses this ui +layout.server.ts - loads data for each root

$lib - code in src/lib. This is meant for code shared by multiple routes

import { message } from '$lib/message.js'

You can use a param [slug] as a route. Then, this route will exist for any input


  • ext: Hooks
  • Hooks intercept the behavior of roots
  • Ex. the handle function. It receives an event object and a resolve function, then returns a response object
  • event.locals - an artbritrary object you can pass between your hooks and the routes
  • You can modify the html using transformPageChunk
// hooks.server.ts
event.locals.something = "whatever I want"

// +page.server.ts
export const load: PageServerLoad = async({ locals }) => {



<form method="POST" action="?/create=">
    add a todo:
      required <!-- mark it as required -->

in +page.server.ts. The data sent by the form gets passed through the actions

export const actions = {
  // Named action - we name it create and it matches up with the "?/create" form
  create: async ({ cookies, request }) => { // unpacking the cookies and request from a RequestEvent object
    const data = await request.formData();
    db.createTodo(cookies.get("userid"), data.get("description"));


{#if form?.error}
  <p class="error">{form.error}</p>
import { fail } from '@sveltejs/kit';

export const actions = {
  create: async ({ cookies, request }) => {
    const data = await request.formData();

    try {
      db.createTodo(cookies.get("userid"), data.get("description"));
    } catch (error) {
      return fail(422, {
        description: data.get("description"),
        error: error.message,


Add to a form for browser-native behavior

  • This will update the DOM instead of reloading it




  import { page } from '$app/stores';

provides page.url, params, route, status, error, data (combines the return of all load functions), form

Auth Protocol

ext: Huntabyte Vide

Login button -> actions in +page.server.ts

  • This sets a cookie

in hooks.server.ts

  • We have an authenticateUser function that returns the user's auth level and sets it in event.locals
  • Then in the page's load function, it redirects users if not auth
if (!locals.user) {
    throw redirect(303, "/")

or: better way

// hooks.server.ts
export const handle: Handle = async ({ event, resolve}) => {
    event.locals.user = authenticateUser(event)
    if (event.url.pathname.startsWith('/protected')) {
        if (!event.locals.user) {
            throw redirect(303, "/");

SSG and Client-Side

  export const prerender = true // render at build time
  export const ssr = false //client rendering