Client-server model
- We make requests to the server, which returns data
Cloud Computing
- Provide various services that are abstractions of compute and memory needs
Deployment Models
- Cloud-Based - Everything is run in the cloud
- On-Premises - Deployed onsite using virtualization
- Hybrid - Connect cloud-based resources to physical infrastructure
- EC2 instances are virtual machines that can be provisioned
- Multitenacy - sharing of resources between VMs
- Vertical scaling - increasing the amount of compute resources
Instance Types
- General purpose - balanced resources
- Compute optimized - HPC
- Good for batch processing (running computations on small amounts of data)
- Memory optimized - fast performance for large datasets (more efficient for reads)
- Accelerated computing - Floating point computations, graphics
- Storage optimized - high performance for locally stored data (mroe efficient for sequential reads and writes)
- On-Demand - pay for exactly what use
- Savings plan - Commit to a duration and get a potentially cheaper plan
- Reserved - Gives a big discount for extremely consistent usage
- 1 and 3 year contracts
- Spot instances - Request spare compute capacity, but AWS can reclaim the usage whenever they want
- Dedicated hosts - Intense capacity fully dedicated to the user
Scaling & Load-Balancing
- Auto-Scaling - set a minimum, desired, and maximum amount of EC2 resources to scale to
- Load-Balancing - The service that directs traffic between auto-scaling group
- This is meant to ensure that EC2 instances don't have to do all of the work by themselves
Messaging and Queueing
- SQS - lets you send messages into a queue - enables different software components to communicate
- This enables a loosely-coupled architecture
- SNS - uses a publish/subscribe model - people subscribe to a topic and messages are sent to those subscribers
- Monolithic vs microservices - monolithic - everything is tightly coupled. Microservices - loosely coupled services that prevent a single point of failure
Serverless Computing
- EC2 - if you want full access to the underlying OS
- Lambda - upload your code, create a trigger for it. The management of the underlying instances are configured and provisioned for you
- Pay only for the compute power you use
- ECS - Allows us to provide compute power to containers. Docker provides system-level virtualization through containers (a way to package your application and its dependencies)
- AWS Fargate - Serverless computing for containers
- EKS - run Kubernetes on AWS
Pros vs. Cons
- Serveress auto-scales
- Only pay for what you use
- Serverless can lead to cold starts
- Managed can be more cost-effective for consistent workloads
AWS Global Architecture
- AWS Regions - there are AWS regions in the busiest locations across the world
- Data doesn't flow between regions unless the user allows it
- Choose regions closest to where your users are
- Availability Zones - a single group of data centers
- CDN - Network that delivers content to users based on their geographical location
Edge Locations
- AWS CloudFront - used to deliver data to customers across the world using edge locations
- Edge locations - separate from regions. Run Route 53 - a DNS service
- These are sites that store cached copies of your data
- AWS Outposts - let you install a mini region in your server
Interacting with AWS
- Through SDKs or CLI
- Cloudformation - lets you declare your AWS resources using JSON
- VPC - whitelist or blacklist certain IP addresses
- Subnets - chunks of IP addresses that allow you to group resources together
- Basically a group of EC2 instances. Some will be privately accessible, some publicly
- VPN - the bodyguard
- AWS Direct Connect - lets you establish a private connection from your data center to AWS
- This is the secret path
- Default security group - doesn't allow any traffic into the EC2 instance
- Packets - messages from the internet
- Network ACL - checks if each packet can get through (stateless)
- Security group - has a state (memory) of what can come through
- Deny by default
DNS and Route 53
- Routes URLs to the underlying website
- DNS resolution - translate domain name to IP address
- Block storage - lets you overwrite only the components that are changed when you update a file
- EBS lets us create virtual hard drives that we can attach to our EC2 instances
- data is in the same AZ
- Data is stored in buckets
- S3 standard IA - rapid access but less frequent
- lets you have multiple instances accessing the data - data is stored across multiple Availability zones
- Serverless, store data in items and attributes
- Data is across multiple AZs
- Data warehousing - lets you collect data from multiple sources
User Permissions
- IAM - identity access management
- Lets you control the access permissions of users
- Roles - An identity you can switch to for temporary permissions
- Groups - groups of users with the same permissions
- AWS Organizations - central location to manage AWS accounts (i.e. if you have various accounts)
- Organizational Units (OUs) - when you apply a policy to an OU, all of the accounts inherit it
- AWS Artifact - provide access to compliance and security reports
AWS Shield Advanced
- fight sloworis and DDOS attacks
Security Services
- Amazon Key Management Service (KMS) - lets you perform encryption operations
- WAF - web application framework, lets you monitor network requests
- Inspector - automated security assessments
- GuardDuty - threat detection
Monitoring and Analytics
- Cloudwatch - set alarms based on triggers
- CloudTrail - log every request (API call) to AWS
- AWS Trusted Advisor - Check the security, performance, cost of your system, fault tolerance, and provide advice
- Dashboard - show all of your billing info
- Consolidated billing - get a singular bill if you have multiple AWS accounts for the same company
- Budget - you can set a budget and get an alert if you're close to the threshold
- Cost Explorer - visualize spending
- Support plans - business gives you Trusted avdisor
- AWS Marketplace - independently created AWS services
Migration and Innovation
Organizations, IAM
aws iam create-user --user-name your-username
# Attach a policy to the user (start with minimal permissions)
aws iam attach-user-policy --user-name your-username --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/ReadOnlyAccess
# Create a role (run this in each member account)
aws iam create-role --role-name CrossAccountAccess --assume-role-policy-document file://trust-policy.json
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::MASTER_ACCOUNT_ID:root"
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
Configure each account with the AWS CLI
aws configure --profile master-account
aws configure --profile project1
aws configure --profile project2
For the member account profiles, use the ARN of the cross-account role instead of access keys:
[profile project1]
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::PROJECT1_ACCOUNT_ID:role/CrossAccountAccess
source_profile = master-account
- Create a cluster (networking only)
- Create task definition. Set up port mapping for whichever port the app runs on
- Create a load balancer
- Create a new security group
- It should take traffic on port 80 and 443
- Make sure the security group allows inbound traffic on port 80 and 443 from all ips
- Target group points to fargate instance
- Set up one for HTTP and one for HTTPS
- Select IP as the target type
- The port should be the application port
- Create a new security group
- Create a service - runs the task definition in the cluster
- The service should use the existing listener on port 443
- Create a custom security group with the port (3000) for SvelteKit
- Make it available to all:,::/0
- Click on the security group of this service and enable it to receive inbound traffic from the LB
- TCP - application port -> the security group of the LB
- Select the ALB and the existing target groups
TODO use the CLI or terraform next time I do all this
Deploy to Fargate Github Actions
name: Build and Deploy to Fargate
branches: ['main']
branches: ['main']
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Configure AWS Credentials
uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1
aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
aws-region: us-east-2
- name: Login to AWS ECR
id: login-ecr
uses: aws-actions/amazon-ecr-login@v1
- name: Build, tag, and push image to ECR
id: build-image
ECR_REGISTRY: ${{ steps.login-ecr.outputs.registry }}
IMAGE_TAG: latest
run: |
docker build \
- name: Download task definition
run: |
aws ecs describe-task-definition --task-definition braindump_task_definition --query taskDefinition > task-definition.json
- name: Update ECS task definition
id: task-definition
uses: aws-actions/amazon-ecs-render-task-definition@v1
task-definition: task-definition.json
container-name: braindump
image: ${{ }}
- name: Deploy AWS ECS task definition
uses: aws-actions/amazon-ecs-deploy-task-definition@v1
task-definition: ${{ steps.task-definition.outputs.task-definition }}
service: BraindumpAppService
cluster: BraindumpCluster1
Route 53
- Create a hosted zone
- Copy over nameservers
- Alias -> load balancer
- Go to ACM and create a certificate
- Create the record in S3
- Create a www cname, make sure you have a record for it in ACM
- Make sure the load balancer has the new record